Friday 20 March 2015

What does the future hold for online gaming?

Over the last couple of years there has been a major shift in the way people play games online and even people who play dating games online. It was only a few years ago that it was mainly MMORPG's that gamer's would use to play online. However thanks to the rise of mainly Facebook even people that would of never dreamed of online gaming are now experiencing and enjoying what online gaming has to offer. Don't get me wrong MMORPG's are still a big player in the online gaming world and they still have a big future in the years to come.

However we can not forget the rise in smart phones and tablets which as well as Facebook have given people a new entry into gaming and the confidence to go into the world of online gaming. We are living in historical times at the moment for gaming as we are seeing this evolution of new ways into online gaming and it is shaping the future for years to come. The present will become a huge part of history because for the first time we are seeing multiple new ways all the time which can get even the least likely person to play a game get into gaming. It may take ten, twenty, thirty years to realize what a big point in history today is in the gaming world.

However if you see this blog post in the future I hope you realize we said it here first!

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